An Amazing End To A Very Solid Season 1
1 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a pretty damn solid season as a whole, packed with some of the most witty and creative writing I've seen in an anime, its the highlight, the characters are all pretty good, if not a few of them being unremarkable. And a very solid plot that reaches the depths of despair and the very darker tunnel down madness itself. The romance is absolute gold, I don't cringe all that much at it with this show because of how damn emotional the performances are and how amazing the writing proves to be.

Subaru is an amazing protagonist that at times will make bratty mistakes or say a line that makes me go belly up in cringe. But as a whole is very smart, personable and confident guy who follows classic video game logic and tropes when he learns pretty fast it's not as NPC as he thinks. He learns throughout the series that his power is more of a curse from the witch than something he was gifted. It gets him into a lot of trouble and it's something he's fighting throughout the whole season.

Emilia is his extremely confusing love interest, that will say lines so dismissive that I wonder if she's just playing into Subaru's nonsense or she's just that clueless. She has a great personality though, she's the one that I thought wasn't actually an NPC till Rem came into the fold. She has a wonderful contrast to Subaru's completely wack non sense, they're dialogue is fruitful and emotionally driven. She also has a resemblance to a witch that was basically the big enemy back in the day. And it gives her anti-social tendency's that drives her to think that kindness is special treatment that she doesn't deserve, or she thinks she not good enough for any friends. Her spirit companion Puck serves as her guardian, both with defeating enemies or giving emotional support or guidance.

This episode is the climax to their relationship that was on the cusp of dying 10 episodes back. The whole in between was a buildup to them finally meeting again. It's the single most emotionally driven scene I've seen in anime, the colors flowing, the close ups, the view angles all perfect to heighten your sense, the dialogue between them is something I was waiting for the entire season and the buildup was killing it, this episode made up for it 10 fold, the final scene was worth it 100%.

I absolutely love this show so far and I'm starting season 2 right now.
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