Find a quiet private place to watch this.
3 December 2022
If you own a dog, go watch this in a quiet, private place where you can curl up in foetal position and cry, while reflecting on all the times your dog wanted to play with you and you turned them down because you had to work.

I made the mistake of watching this on a plane. Cute dog movie, light hearted, why not? Wrong! 20 mins in, tears are flowing, people, incl. Flight attendants wondering why this grown man is crying. Had to give up 5 mins after, couldn't finish it.

Spend every moment you can with your dog. Their life is short and although they are but a (happy and unforgettable) chapter of your life, you are their whole life.

I will go hug my dog now. Will report back when (if) I can finish the movie.
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