The Wonder (I) (2022)
"This is a Song of Hope."
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
S P O I L E R S .

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Sorry...was that pretentious...?

Somewhere in the middle of the movie, this is the line (of the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin) that kept coming to mind. All the way to the end.

Having read several (if not all) reviews, I came to the bitter expectation of NOT loving a movie with Florence Pugh. Even the trailer, I wasn't bubbling about it as I had been with let's say Little Drummer Girl or Midsommar.

Well, I was wrong. The "pretentious" bit at the beginning and end, taking you out of the movie: That is the POINT. It dares you to NOT be drawn 100% into it, dares you to NOT be wowed and biting your nails with expectation to where it leads, what might be revealed...if you are a nail biter of course.

So in SPITE of that beginning, I was all the way into it. I can't help it, but I LOVED this movie. A Lot. The idea of being reborn from such ugly tragedies...such HOPE. I'm crying again because I was abused as a child; I lost my youngest child. I lost my Mom and Sister--my only family left--within 7mos of each other (and my child a year later). I'd give anything to start over. In fact, that is how I spend all my time, wishing that death will be a do-over, only I want to know everything as I go, not make mistakes, avoid the pain...

Isn't that what everyone wants? Hope for a new beginning, especially after concurring tragedies? Yeah, most of us don't get to this point till much later in life. For some of us, it begins while we are still single digit ages.

So this movie happened to touch me, I got lost in the story despite the opening act (I didn't really care about the end--I was way too moved to give a rat's).

Fun Fact: I didn't realize Laudanum was flammable. I had no idea it was a mixture that probably mangled more than a few brains back in the day. Women's Drug, if you research the history (as I just did). Fascinating.
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