A disappointing follow up.
4 December 2022
I have to admit, I enjoyed the first one more than perhaps I should have, maybe not the most original film, but well acted, well made, and not without thrills and spills, I can understand, commercially, why this second film was made.

It was good to see one or two of the cast from the first film assembled here, the trouble is, that the new characters are wafer thin, we know nothing about them, we learn next to nothing of them, and ultimately it's hard to care about the fate of any of them.

I thought the acting was decent, and the special effects were rather good, I liked how crazy some of the situations were, they tried hard to make the challenges bigger and bolder than in the first, personally, I preferred those fron the original.

I hope they don't make a third, this second wasn't needed. Don't get me wrong, it's not actually a bad film, but there's nothing memorable, there's just something a little cynical about the need to have got this one made, 5/10.
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