George & Tammy (2022–2023)
I wanted to like it, but it's a high wire act
5 December 2022
This review is from the from the first episode only - I have no desire to watch the rest, and not just because I don't have Showtime.

Jessica Chastain and Michael Shannon are two of my favorite actors. Add in all the other brilliant character actors including Walton Groggins, Tom Blake Nelson, Steven Zahn, and you have a can't lose force. Only this time they are drowned out in country music that isn't that good and macho actions that could sink a tour bus.

I found my face hurting from grimacing for so long at the disbelief at what I was seeing - versus what I told I was going to be watching. Please - don't take me wrong. They are all good singers, but they are not close to George and Tammy. The sounds were soft. There was no real depth or heft or weight to the vocals.

Obviously their lives were intense, but that doesn't mean I have to watch it. Sadly, I don't want to.
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