Red Oaks (2014–2017)
An enjoyable series, if you have not seen it make an effort to track it down, it is unlikely you'll be disappointed.
9 December 2022
Yea, I got on with this series. Very enjoyable. A off beat series that has it all really. The main thing was there was some good acting put in by the entire cast, who were well cast for the roles.

Peter Parker in the staring role and Scam Bankrupt-Fraud as his curly haired doper buddy. What it seemed to me. I liked the swanky Mr Getty he was well played and with confidence, and I couldn't resist the Dirty Dancing woman, Jennifer Grey just remembered her name.

She must have been at least 50 years old when it was made but still somehow has an alluring nature to her, maybe bringing out the protective nature in a guy due to her size, she played her part well as well. Mostly the reason I did get into it, seeing she was in it. Just wanting to see more of her and her acting.

The Tennis Pro guy he was spangling very up beat, I liked his performance & his character, even the so called baddies of the piece eventually won you over. They mellowed out and became likeable and this would likely have mellowed out the viewer as well. There were just so many actors putting in some of the finest work they have done, some that are ever likely to put in.

The director or various directors really did get the best out of them, such high quality acting even though many of them are not well known actors, some were, but they all seemed to rise to the occasion. FITTING the parts, being & becoming that character, more so as the series went on. Many of them did immerse themselves in to their role.

Then of cause we have the story lines, dialogue, music and comedic elements, plus romantic ones. It all fitted well together taking the viewer on a rewarding trip. That is when you know you are watching something well worth watching when you actually 'look forward' to seeing the next episode. NOT because you want to finish off a particular season, moving on to some other TV series or movie, it becoming a bit of a chore to see the remaining episodes. Either something great is there or not.

Very few series I have seen this year have kept me viewing, wanting to see the joy of the next episode as this Red Oaks series. Compelling viewing. Borgen series 1 to 4 that I got into this year, that was compelling viewing, as was the intense Radherrann (the Minister). Well worth watching!.

Both being foreign language series needing to keep ones attention affixed to the subtitles on the screen. Though with Red Oaks I was hardly ever not consumed into the goings on within it. Maybe the 30 minute ish viewing times helped, short & sweet, just the right amount, keeping the episodes fresh.

An upbeat tv series then that I say was well produced, some good camera work as well, it all blended in along with the ongoing developing story lines and of cause the high quality acting to produce something well worth someone spending their time in watching.

Yes glad I got into watching the Red Oaks series. Worth 9 stars to me, hardly anything in it was off putting, the odd gripe here and there but this is a quality series that Amazon did get right.
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