Review of Pink Panic

Pink Panic (1967)
While others have blabbed that there's a . . .
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . ghost in this picture, few have speculated on the obvious next question: Exactly WHOSE ghost is it? In answering this question, it's important to remember that this specter is pretty much of a wimp. The white sheet-clad spirit allows the pink panther to use him first as a bath towel, then later as a parachute. During the course of PINK PANIC, the ghostly sheet personage winds up fighting the skeleton from the closet more than the corporeal panther. Given this paranormal entity's initial affinity for a chair, it seems likely that the sheet represents the notoriously lazy Tom Jefferson. This insight allows viewers to jump to the conclusion that the skeleton is standing in for Tom's nemesis, the equally indolent Jim Madison, whose wife's cake Tom was always mooching.
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