Love, Reason, Get Even (2021–2022)
Spoiler Alert
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Im up to Ep 29 and I must say this is where it goes down hill. Up until now Ozan has been dealing with that maniac Chalga finally she's exposed but they don't even show it. Next sp I episode is fast forward to Ozan and Esra married but only for the sake of their son. In comes another psychopath girl after Ozan. So rather than exposing Chagla properly after everything her and brother did they skip over it and Ozan an Esra both come out of fake marriages only to enter another one together!?! Ridiculous! Then another mad girl comes in like we didn't just have 28 episodes of this. Not to mention both the mums are so incredibly annoying. Ridiculous dumb scenarios. Econ an Elif like these two are so boring they could give them more believable challenges rather than making a joke out of them. So far it was good to watch an nice music.. but now we 29 is going bad. Not great viewing. Also just having a storyline of her keeping their son a secret for 5 yrs is just silly. It's soooo unrealistic. I know how these series go I've watched heaps but at least once give them a happy period. Some time where we see them enjoy themselves it just gets too much when u only see bad events and setbacks. Like obviously they need that in the script to keep it interesting but too many dramas it's gone overboard now. Sorry.
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