The Resident: Doors Opening, Doors Closing (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
I'm still so incredulous
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I casually saw this episode over a year ago while watching it with my mother and it still shocks and enrages me to the point that I had to identify the show and episodes just the tell someone about it.

When Jake and Gregg insisted on being in the room when the homophobic parents of their would-be child's mother I was incensed.

Not that I could be too angry because I was in a room with someone who didn't know I was closeted.

There is the idea that only Queer people can be outed. Sure you can't surprise people with the sexuality of a straight person but some people don't even have the luxury of openly admitting to knowing a Queer person, especially historically.

The fact that they almost put a young vulnerable girl on the street and risked the safety and well-being of their child for the sake of some deluded idea of "authenticity" is just sick.

Personal safety and human lives come before the ideas of authenticity, and anyone with a knowledge of Queer history would know that.

Heck, anyone who's ever seen or been.l a Queer person in danger would know that.

If it was any other piece of information that determined whether this girl would have a place to sleep at night they would have been quiet but because it's was a Queer issue they tried to project an image of being loud and proud, no doubt an effort by the writers to not appear homophobic.

I especially hate it because despite it being fictional it projects this moral snobbery over people who are closeted for their own safety.

Which ironically is far more homophobic.
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