Snack vs. Chef (2022– )
The show has potential, the judges not so much...
15 December 2022
I like the premise of this show. It has the potential to be a lot of fun. The contestants seem to have a lot of experience and knowledge and they are fun to watch (though I do hate that American cooking shows are so scripted unlike the British baking shows that allow contestants to be more spontaneous and "themselves"), but the judges? No. Just no. They are bland, boring and seem uncomfortable in their roles. And the two hosts? Well Megan Stalter doesn't do much but smile and yell out which contestant will be baking with the occasional forced banter. Hari Kondabolu's main contribution seems to be looking bored and disinterested.

I doubt I will watch anymore of it unless they change out the judges and hosts. They really bring this show down. Oh, and just let the contestants speak spontaneously. Stop with all the scripted nonsense on these baking shows.
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