The Blacklist: Genuine Models Inc. (No. 176) (2022)
Season 9, Episode 13
No Such Thing
16 December 2022
I have to use 600 characters to describe this mess. There are no robots this sophisticated. It took one lab several years to get one to climb three step. Another to dance a preprogrammed jig. Come on. These things are women with all the stuff to make them women and total coordination of their bodies. Add to that the nut case who is in the middle of killing guys who buy the damned things. A secondary plot is Reddington meeting an old adversary (female) at the funeral of a guy who wasn't such a good one, Barney. Back in the day, one of the world's largest rubies was snatched away from these two and they go to see the widow, who is wearing it. I hope things get back on track in the next offering.
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