The Cleansing (2019)
No historical accuracy
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's spoil this right off. First, most people in the 14th century could NOT read. This included the priest. Books were NOT plentiful because scribes had to write/copy them. Alice would not have burned the book due to most likely not even knowing what it was nor would her family have owned one.

Second, no one went into plague houses and killed anyone. The people locked themselves in their houses and died. It wasn't until later that people went in and removed the rotting corpses for burning. Monty Python, "Bring out your dead!" This was true.

Third, witches were not persecuted during the plague. Mostly it was the Jews.

Fourth, the bird mask didn't come into being until the 17th century.

Fifth, (and this actually deals with the movie) if the man who was caring for Alice already knew who she was, why did he care for her? Why did he teach her if his plan was to kill her all along? If he was so afraid of the plague, why didn't he check Alice and the guy who showed up? Why did he kill him in such a "ritualistic" way? What was he smoking/eating to have visions? That's not something men would have known as women were the gatherers of the time.

The movie would have been better had the writers stuck to a more historical accuracy. I gave this a 5 as it entertained me, but caused me to really think about how much better it would have been.
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