Commodore and the Tramiels deserve better
18 December 2022
How could you get so many great Commodore personnel and make such a dreadful hash of it. I backed the kickstarter for this and it was a real lesson for me. Could have been done better over Skype.... I remember sitting at a paid-for viewing and half way through there is footage of the whole clueless team riding around the States laughing...i'd helped them to buy expensive equipment and have a massive holiday... they were laughing at me. At some point I really hope that somebody takes the History of Commodore while there are still some key players left to tell it and not leave it to scenesters like this who understand nothing of the significance of the company. Commodore have often been written out of history due to revisionism and Apple/Microsoft success. This low grade crud only helps cement them being considered an historical triviality which couldn't be further from the actual truth.
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