The Hunted (I) (2022)
If you're a fan of action and fighting films, this may be right up your alley...
18 December 2022
The film has some amazing locations and scenery and was very well paced. The fight and actions scenes were excellent with some decent gore thrown in where necessary. My only nit pick was I felt it could have been a little longer in duration.

It doesn't get carried and is pretty believable until the final chase scene. Along the way, we are treated with some nice woods, of which is nicely filmed.

The cast are able to create fairly complex characters, Miguel D. Dias is back as the enemy leader, this guy always gets the job done, even his voice is menacing, good character.

But the best is the staging of the chases, the staging of the fights, and the spectacular stunt work.

The Hunted is an action/chase film in the tradition of First Blood, but it doesn't have the firepower of that film (to its benefit, the emphasis here is on brutal hand-to-hand combat).
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