Another good one
19 December 2022
I like the first Time to Come Home movie, and the most recent one with Tyler Hines, so I decided to try this one.

Very nice movie. I've always liked Jessie Schram. If she was a little more petite she'd be perfect. She can do funny, and she can do sweet, and now we know drama is right in her wheelhouse.

I've never been a big Brendan Penny fan, but he was just right in this movie.

The story of an amnesiac girl trying to find her identity traveling home with a nurse who is wanting to right some wrongs is simple, yet heart-wrenching and a good reminder that everyone we meet is carrying a load with them, and sometimes the kindest thing we can do is help to lighten it.

In my reviews of the other movies I have mentioned that I don't like the song much that is a common thread in all these movies. It was much more prominent in this movie, and now I have to say I HATE that song.

The movie is a nine plus, but that song cost it a point. Really good movie though.

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