Visuals 10. Story... maybe 5.
19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the update on the visuals, no complaints there. Coming from a guy who's always watching movies and specially keeping up with the latest videogames, I know what the 3D and CGI can offer out there, and I take my hat off to James Cameron for bringing the best special effects possible.

But a movie cannot rely solely on special effects. Nor an upcoming franchise, for the matter.

I feel the story was shallow, basically a retelling of the first movie, almost following the same chapter line of thought. Jake's family finding a new Naavi tribe (same as before, check). Quaritch's learning how to be an Avatar (same as before, check). Lame excuse for Quaritch to hunt down Jake's ENTIRE FAMILY based on pure revenge, even though Jake laid down his mayor's staff and even LEFT the continent so humans could continue destroying the forest (by the way, fk the forest Naavi, right, the concept of "FAMILY STAYS TOGETHER" is so hypocritical here). Jake's family struggling to fit into the new sea family (same as the movie before). The Turuk's brain oil, a new source of riches for greedy humans to fight over (same goals as before, btw, what happened to the HOLY unobtanium mineral which was supposed to be the ONLY reason for the Sky People to be on Pandora?). A bunch of new misterious kids running everywhere without mothers or fathers (leaving us viewers confused without answers! How come Quaritch had a son??? Or Sigourney Weaver's Avatar wich btw FAILED her soul transfusion??).

Anyways. There is more, but you got the picture.

The story was cold, lame and predictable in so many levels. Makes me wonder if James Cameron thought of repeating the same plot in order to attract new audiences after 13 years, to attracat this public which still haven't watched the first Avatar, preparing them for the next 4 movies to come till 2026.
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