Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Undead (1997)
Season 9, Episode 6
Bewitched and Confused
19 December 2022
This episode is another honorable mention of mine, but it's one of my favorites for Halloween. This was another film from the Coreman company and it's another that's in the non-winner section. Some of the production is good from wardrobe, set pieces and location to give the film it's gothic setting.

But it has one big problem the story is so inconsistent it makes next to no sense. It seemed like it was trying to be a mix of the concept of reincarnation and pseudoscience with mysticism which doesn't seem like a bad idea as there is a lot to explore with both concepts; but unfortunately, what should have been a tasty smoothy isn't because of as I said for it being inconsistent.

There are a lot of good riffs, really like how the bot's riff on how terribly bland, boring, even bad the archetypal prince (at least I think he is) character really is. Along with how bad the soap operatic love triangle, which would make you want to take the Hallmark films of the week over this any time. Hallmark remaking this film would be a bad idea if they ever do romance films for the Halloween season which they still haven't done.

Riffing on the Devil character who isn't in the film that much, on how he looks like the Keebler Elf, which is part of why it's a little hard taking him seriously; let alone most of what he says as a prologue from the beginning that really has not much or anything with what goes on in the film. Or even just some of the dialog and how it's trying too hard at being Shakespearean.

It's even funny when they snore at the scene whenever we come back to the present day which I agree are the boring part of the film and despite the science rhetoric being spoken none of it computes in the realm of logic. I know suspense my disbelief, but this is too big of a stretch.

There are some memorable skits two honorable mention skits, one from the bots where Tom tries to pass himself off as one of the Observers, but this fails and we see a "Scooby Doo" like foot chase scene, as we see just like in "Scooby Doo" the Observers and Tom are just pop out left and right.

Another is the witch character from the film visiting the Satellite of love play of course by Bridget Jones. It's just funny as her shape shifting powers are obviously on the fritz as we see that same sparkler effect along with music tune from the film; and she is just changing into all random things faster than a person can change streaming programs. It's just funny seeing the Bots and Mike's reactions toward this, especially when she briefly changes into Peril.

This episode is a good tasty potion of confusing fun.

Rating: 4 stars.
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