TripTank: Candy Van Finger Bang (2014)
Season 1, Episode 6
Fat shaming and sinophobia
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah kinda just kills my interest when the entire premise of the joke is fat women kill my boner.

Followed by wannabe edgy centrist propaganda. The joke is it's a reverse mail order bride, get it? They sure hope you do, because they literally spell it out. And the punch line is, idk what. Like they lost the plot, they insult protestors then imply it's worse in China. Cause our cops are nice, and we can go to art school, but they'll run you over with a tank.

That's a literal a one two down punch. And such heavy handed metaphors. It's kinda killed my interest in the show. The fat shaming was messed up in so many ways.

Hell idk if it was this or last episode they blatantly ripped off a kids in the hall skit. The one with the dreams where they keep waking up.
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