The Ravine (2021)
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had no idea that this movie was Christian thematic. I end up as a Christian leader enjoying some Christian movies and yet at the same time am deeply insulted if a movie misrepresents. The description on Amazon made this seem like a suspense movie, it was not.

This movie had potential and if non-Christians see the movie and enjoy it, then it is not an issue. However this movie perverts Christianity in a lot of ways. The Joanna character was seeing a murder in real time, was able to communicate with dead people, and was practically omnipresent. Outside of Jesus, this never happened with Christian people and some would say that communicating with the dead was darkness itself.

Secondly Danny went to hell by Christian guidelines. He may have repented for the murders of his family members which probably would have actually gained him access, like the thief on the cross. However, the act of suicide was his last move of which he did not repent, which earmarks him straight to hell.

Christians in modern society serve people on behalf of God. We pray for those people and show friendship and help them through their problems and issues. We are not bad people and we do not lack intelligence.

The movie did capture forgiveness well. The Kevin character forgiving his assailants was something that commonly brings peace in people's lives. Unforgiveness is a stronghold that will keep people down and hold them back from success in any endeavor.

Love triumphing over hate is real too. Hatred is another thing that really clogs up hard drive space in one's heart. We really should not hate people, it accomplishes nothing.

As for the actual movie. It was hard to tell the connections between the people early enough to care about their pain and suffering. Was Danny a friend of the main guy from just playing basketball, or was he a forced in lawn type of friend, it really did not make too much sense. Wife was crying hysterically over Danny's suicide which also seemed hyper exaggerated.

When you look at the good in the movie, I believe it is the lack of comprehension of heinous crimes committed by someone close enough. We are looking for answers all the time and the guy who lacks seriousness that carries the joyful mask is always enigmatic to us and it was described well in the movie. So there was some intentionality in this movie.

I give it a 5 because it was watchable however had inconsistencies across faith and plot.
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