The Hooded Figure is MORE than AIDS...
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I read a lot of the reviews, and I have to say that while I agree that the last episode was kind of garbage--I understand all of it and WHY. Not that I didn't like the tune they chose, not that AIDS plus hatred focusing on murdering a certain group--women DID get AIDS: From their cheating closeted husbands; THAT is why Barbara died at the hand of "The Boogie Man." Also note that Music Videos were THE THING in the 80s...and it's not businessmen in suits falling into the grave, it's people dressed in their final resting outfit which is almost always a suit. Only children were allowed to wear casual items like baseball uniforms and girl scout uniforms. (Source: I grew up in a family funeral parlor.) THESE were the reasons for that last episode. I get it.

The Big Daddy figure encompassed ALL that killed people of the gay community back then. I was there, in the City at that time. This season started out with such a fantastic premise; instantly I was thrown back into time with old friends and good times before it all went to h3ll via AIDS but there were thousands of instances where people victimized members of the gay community and got away with it: That was the point of Patrick being a cop, so we could see first hand how so many people got away with it. This is why the face was never revealed. It wasn't just ONE killer, not by a longshot.

The hooded figure wasn't JUST a metaphor for AIDS. It was the anonymous faceless brutalization of ALL the vicious circumstances that hit the gay community and those who mingled with them. Yes, another faceless criminal set the club on fire. Faceless criminal being the operative words. Metaphor yes. For simply ONE ghastly occurrence? Not so much.

While I loved this season for many reasons, it did spiral and could have used those last two episodes to clarify just what the Big Daddy creature was about. Everyone needs things completely spelled out any more.

AIDS and Hatred did a number on the gay community. That is what they were trying to say.

Hope this helps.
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