His Dark Materials: The Botanic Garden (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Nailed it
27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole books series was an allegory for kids about the loss of childish innocence and learning to live with the consequences of your actions. And in this, the final episode captures it in beautifully staged, heartbreaking detail. Seriously, I was ugly-crying at one point.

The previous episode was the end of the adventure, with the fall of Metatron. This was the post-script, dealing with the end of Lyra and Will's emotional journey into adulthood. So I can see how some might think it wasn't a great ending. But they should go back and rewatch with that in mind. There's a Subtle difference...

It deals with Lyra becoming an orphan. With the elation and heartbreak of first love. And the maturity and self-sacrifice you need to find sometimes, to do things for the greater good. All of these things happen to all of us eventually. And that's what the books try to teach to kids.

Dafne Keen and Amir Wilson act this episode so well, you could almost feel them falling for each other. And equally their hearts breaking as they're torn apart. All credit to them, and the production team for such a fine episode and series. Well done.

I'll rewatch this series for years to come.
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