Rorschach (2022)
Highly pretentious and sub-standard movie
28 December 2022
God alone knows what the scriptwriter was high on when he wrote the script for this confused and pompous apology of a movie.

This is one of those so-called new age wannabe experimental movies which like to call themselves as neo-noir psychological thrillers. Actually it is neither psychological nor a thriller. There are gaping holes in the narrative and nothing makes sense.

The cherry on top of the irritating pretentiousness of the movie is the English song-track which is belted out throughout. Now the said song-track will make sense if the movie was a high octane thriller shot in a city, replete with car and motor bike chases. However it is entirely set in rural areas and forests, which adds several fake notes to the overall experience.

The makers of the movie were confused whether to make it a psychological or supernatural thriller; so they compromised by adding half-baked elements of both. Many things in the film make no sense at all. That can be ignored if they were minor aspects of the story; but these are major plot holes.

For example, the lead character's wife is murdered in Dubai and he comes to India to take revenge. But he learns that the murderer has already died and his family is living in a village inside a forested area. So he stages a car accident and lies to the police that his wife was in the car with him and she has vanished. And the murderer's father gives him company in his trips to the police station etc. Finally the father ends up selling his half finished house to the lead. But this is too big a coincidence to be digested.

The police is shown to be completely dumb. If they had done even a basic check in the background of the lead character, they would have discovered that his wife was murdered in a foreign country. But they do absolutely nothing.

Everything in the movie happens because the script-writer wanted it to happen that way; but such things will never happen in real life, nor will real people behave in the way as shown in the movie.

Mamooty looks old and jaded. Though he still has tremendous screen presence, it is obvious that he is wearing a wig and has dyed rest of his facial hair jet black. That looks incongruous with his sagging features. It would have been much better if he had been given a natural look with salt and pepper hair and moustache. They have tried to make a 71 year old man look like a 50 year old and failed miserably.

The fight sequences look phony and staged. Mamooty just has to move his hands and people go flying effortlessly.

And the big payoff at the end of the movie turns out to be a damp squib. When the murderer is already shown to have died in an accident, nobody would want to stay back and expend considerable time, money and energy in tormenting his family or destroying his reputation. But that is exactly what the lead character claims to have done. And somehow that is a big deal and he is an awesome person.
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