I love cook offs, but the hosts and judges
28 December 2022
Who are these hosts and judges? No offense, but they make or break the show. Who are they? Could they afford some create chefs? And the host...its like they said let's make sure we get diversity over quality. Kind of annoying to watch. I just like watching pple cook. This concept doesn't get old to me. It is better than many of these corny netflix series though where everything looks cooky and upside down like a pee wee Herman show. I know if I stop watching, it wasn't the cooks. It was the judges and host. They were overkill, and who are they anyway? What qualifies them? That's my biggest annoyance right now. Otherwise, you tried Create. Thank you!

In the end, it was a robbery. Definitely disagree with the winner but then again, the judges weren't much to qualify anyone.
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