Home Improvement: Family Un-Ties (1997)
Season 6, Episode 22
Can Jill get any more intolerable?
29 December 2022
I get it, as a mother, you like spending time with your kids. Jill, however, takes everything way beyond sensible into the realm of the obsessive and ridiculous. Instead of just letting her kids do their own thing and grow and develop into their own individuality, she whines and pouts because after all, EVERYTHING IS ALL ABOUT HER. Then she runs to the hardware show and interrupts Tim in the middle of shooting a TV show, to whine and complain about the kids abandoning her, and when Tim tries to get her to compromise and discuss it when he's not in the middle of filming, she stalks off pouting, because again, EVERYTHING IS ALL ABOUT HER. Back at the hotel she raids the mini-bar, stuffing her face with outrageously priced junk, showing just how mature she is. I cannot believe anybody would stay married to this woman for 15 minutes let alone 15 years.

The rest of the story line is pretty much just Tim being Tim and destroying stuff. The end is supposed to be all sentimental, with the boys making a sad looking quilt out of their old clothes, but honestly it was more cheesy than touching.
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