"Respect its secrets. Don't provoke its wrath."
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a patchwork of elements that illustrate the perils of The Bermuda Triangle but don't cohere into a satisfying whole. You have lost aeroplanes, lost ships, strange tides, intimations of sea monsters, odd lights, a creepy doll (?) flocking birds and an ending out of nowhere, almost similar to an 'it's all been a dream' conclusion and everything that's gone before doesn't really matter. It has an interesting cast including John Huston, Hugo Stiglitz, Claudine Auger and the comely Marina Vlady. The child billed as 'Gretha' playing Diana is almost as creepy as the doll.

There were parts I really liked; the underwater scenes particularly the dangerous falling pillars, the scenes of the storm rocking the boat, the melancholy air of oncoming doom and definitely the atmospheric music score by Stelvio Cipriani that added to the fear and tension. It's not a great film but it entertained and I wasn't bored throughout its one hour fifty-two minute runtime.
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