I love this short movie
30 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This adorable short film was shown in theaters with the SuperS movie. The plot was based on a manga story in which super-genius Ami suddenly finds there's someone who can match her test scores, and becomes obsessed with finding his identity. But the idea of having a rival also thrills her, as she's never met anyone as smart as she is, so she spends the movie alternately acting in love, or frighteningly competitive with her unseen rival. When an evil spirit attacks her in her bed, she's sure it must be her academic rival, and fights it off alone! So much for all the haters who say she's weak! The animation in this movie is pretty nice, with a lot of attention to detail (even down to the hint of airbrushed purple tint in Ami's glasses), and the story is fun, though some might argue it clashes with the continuity of the anime. (I dispute that, however, as Urawa from the anime only matched her scores because he cheated, showing both his inferior intellect and dishonesty, thus I think she would have better morals than to seriously date someone like that even if he had stuck around!) Taiki+Ami shippers like me can use this movie to really strengthen our case that they should be together, because 1) Ami says she wants to date the Einstein type, 2) it shows Ami associates love with academic competition, and 3) she goes starry-eyed over that guy in the magazine who resembles Taiki! This is a great movie all around, for many reasons. I'm sure even those who aren't Ami's fans will learn to love her after seeing it!
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