Star Trek: Day of the Dove (1968)
Season 3, Episode 7
A blunt exploration of hate.
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting tale that depicts hatred as an alien influence ---- hating for hate sake as someone once said. Maybe I am reading too much into this one but the entire episode seems to be set up for the viewer to do some introspecting on the insanity of hatred.

The message is clear --- hate is insanity and never ending. The reality is that hate has more nuance in how it festers and grow in severity but I appreciate trek attempting to have a meta message anyhow.

The Klingon commander provides a great performance in this one ---- he just has that stage presence to him.

The episode was dragging me for a bit in my viewing. I think they should have tried softening or exploring the Klingon mind/thought process in the same manner that Kirk/Spock/Scotty had been doing on the bridge.
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