Gorgeously annoying
5 January 2023
I've been mostly pleased with the series up to this point, and I will say that the vibe and premise of this episode was sleek, unique and promising from the start. With hyper loom anamorphic light flares, over saturated colors, vintage grain and a throwback setting, this had all the makings of an uncommonly artsy gem amid a bit more common horror fare.

So much of plot is a magicians sleight of hand, telling you to look one way, then surprising you from another direction. We like to be fooled. What we don't like is to be duped into disappointment, so when you promise us a vanishing act, give us...something.

Unfortunately this episode is 90% promises and almost no delivery. With a slow burn (which I usually love) and a decent concept, this manages to be a soulless drudgery of an episode, punctuated with fantastically imaginative stylized filmmaking.

The writing was subpar at best, with blandly obvious dialogue, half-heartedly delivered through fumbled accents. Half the time I felt like a good deal of the initial draft must have been cut to "get to the chase", since characters frequently rush into actions and dialogue that feel unearned given what we know. However, the run time is long enough that can't be the case. I'm left to assume writing was just not a priority here. When strangers don't have time to ask "why am I here" but skip right to "I have a huge void inside me and I'm anxious about my work life", you've lost me.

Acting was mediocre, with Weller being a grand exception, of course. Most characters felt cardboard or forced.

Plot, ending, creature-nothing special here. Lovecraftian, yes, and with potential, but oh so painfully slow and confusing.

This episode felt like an inside joke that I needed more context for.

I commend the creative ideas and stylized look, but I wish more time had been taken to do it justice.
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