Review of Falcon

Jack Ryan: Falcon (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Utter pulp garbage
6 January 2023
Sigh. Where to begin . I guess s1. Which was good. S2 showed a marked down grade and now S3 which is complete trash. People stay on screen long enough to move the ridiculous plot along. Plot armor and teleportation is the norm and the dialogue or Clancy has been replaced by the writers idea of quitter banter. Trust me . It's neither witty OR banter. It's contrived...... dull. Dull. Dull twaddle.

I wish the writers of todays big budget shows and movies had to pass a test first and perhaps learn what a conversation sounds like or perhaps... oh god I'm so bored of my review. Please. Favor do yourself. Stop at S2.
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