Contact (1997)
Has not aged well
7 January 2023
I had fond memories of this movie and always thought it was an excellent take on the aleien/first contact genre. There is an old saying, never meet your hero's, I think another should be another, carefull when you watch movies you thought we're great..

My main issues are as follows:

The Mathew MacConaughey character is so bad. A supposed man of God who is not a priest or affiliated with any relgion and is consulted by the president with no explanation. He just randomly appears every now and then when the script needs. It is so jarring because he has a pivotal role on major events for the Jodie Foster character over a number of years but none of it seems at all believable.

The William Fichtner character.. OMG.. He plays a blind man and his acting is so bad I wanted to skip all the scenes he was in. His portrayal is borderline offensive and would not be accepted in a modern movie. It is like he is doing a bad impression of Stevie Wonder the whole time..

This movie is full of so many cliches, bad acting and convenient plot choices it all comes across as having no basis in any reality I live in. What a disappointment. I also recently re watched Raiders of the lost ark, another movie that has aged badly so I should have know this was always going to be a gamble.

I have read this movie was based on a book and that the adaptation was poorly done. Sounds about right. Unfortunately my bad experience rewatching this movie means I will steer clear of the book so I will never know if there is a great story to be found.
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