Mystery Spot (2021)
The worst kind of bad film
8 January 2023
I don't have anything positive to say about Mystery Spot. It was a bad movie, but I knew that going in. I thought maybe it could still offer some form of entertainment, especially with such a great idea for a setting. Nope. Growing up in the Detroit area, I heard about a Mystery Spot attraction in the upper peninsula of Michigan, and though I never got to see it, it captured my imagination. Well, this movie does incorporate a mysterious roadside attraction, but 98.7% of the movie is people sitting and talking. The filmmakers try to create an ominous air with dark musical cues and characters looking into the distance with inscrutable facial expressions. I think they thought they could get us to care about these people by having them say their problems out loud, but it felt so forced that I didn't experience a single emotion. Only apathy. I did watch it all the way through, and I really don't think the story holds up. It's just a series of encounters with the lowest stakes possible. I guess they thought that would be enough to sustain a full length feature. It wasn't.
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