Failed wannabe horror-attempt
8 January 2023
It seems like the easiest way to make a horror movie: put a group of friends in an isolated cabin in the woods and launch on them some kind of killing spree of whatever origin. Not very original, but it may turn out okay when it's at least done with some quality acting, decent CGI and maybe a nice twist to the worn-out premise. Well, here it failed on every account, or you should consider a bunch of severely traumatized women (by an extremely farfetched reason: they once collectively killed, in a drugs-induced daze, a rapist) a remotely original starting-point. They gather in the cabin to come to terms with their past, but then there appears the dead rapist to haunt them. Or is it really him??

No-one of the girls is in any way sympathetic or interesting, the killings are lame and the special effects (if any) are below par. As is the acting of all concerned. What remains is a lot of running and screaming and a whodunnit-aspect as to the identity of the killer. It's hardly a surprise when it's revealed in the end, and the motivation of this killer is totally unrealistic. So don't bother with this cabin-horror, I should advise: among so many other (and better) ones this one is totally redundant.
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