Siskel & Ebert: The Best Films of 1990 (1991)
Season 5, Episode 17
Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert's lists have few intersection points this year
8 January 2023
Gene Siskel's list

10. The Godfather 3

9. The Freshman - Gene says that he hasn't seen anything like this. Throws out all of the rules.

8. Reversal of Fortune (#5 on Roger's List)

7. Dances With Wolves (#3 on Roger's List)

6. Die Hard 2

5. Too Beautiful for You

4. The Plot against Harry - Thief tries to go straight. Classic working man's tale, actually filmed in 1969. Gene says it is timeless because it is in B&W

3. Avalon

2. After Dark my Sweet - Jason Patric just out of mental hospital attracted to alcoholic played by Rachel Ward. Gene likes the relationship and stylized photography

1. Goodfellas (#1 on Roger's List)

Roger Ebert's list:

10. Mountains of the Moon

9. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and her Lover

8. Awakenings

7. Last Exit to Brooklyn

6. Santa Sangre

5. Reversal of Fortune - Roger likes the contrast in worlds between Von Bulow and Dershowitz, with both of these guys not trusting or understandng the other. He likes the narration being done by Sunny, underscoring that she is still alive.

4. The Grifters

3. Dances With Wolves

2. Monsieur Hire - Roger's remarks - He says he goes for these film noir type films which in this case has a voyeur who turns out to be a suspect in a neighborhood murder.

1. Goodfellas.

One of the more ponderous comments Gene makes is that he finds Awakenings good but not great. I thought that the film was wonderful.

Gene and Roger spend about a third of the episode discussing Goodfellas, which they both picked as the best film of the year.

Gene liked the wide range of music and photographic styles in Goodfellas and innovative editing. Roger is so enthusiastic he spoils the film in one aspect. That's very unusual for Roger Ebert.

But nobody did sarcasm like Roger Ebert. His remarks regarding the Academy Awards - ""It might be time for the Academy to finally recognize that Scorsese is in the film industry and made the best film of the 70s, 80s, and 1990...but the big award will probably go to some tiny do-good picture"

Gene - "Well it may be Dances with Wolves"

Roger - Groans in agreement.

What they didn't say - No defense of Die Hard Two? This even being on Gene's list surprised me as it had that air of "Look at me! I'm a sequel of a surprise hit film that has a much bigger budget than the first one but no fresh ideas and tons of ham fisted dialogue!"

They both had Dances With Wolves on their list yet said virtually nothing about it.

At the end they say that 1990 was not a very good year for film. Oh, you guys, if you had lived longer or had been born thirty years later than you were, you be dealing with a few small films for the adults that come out at the end of the year that are generally so depressing in their subject matter as to be unbearable or Super Hero films that are totally empty calories. In retrospect, 1990 was not so bad. And I'm surprised neither of you mentioned Misery.
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