Potential wasted unless producer was your 10 yr old nephew.
8 January 2023
When I researched this title, 123 people had put in a rating and the average sat at 4.9, which doesn't mean much with such low participation and then I read the one good review (there were only 3 at the time) from someone who actually took the time to write something substantial. It left me feeling I would be entertained, at the very least, giving this movie a shot.

5 minutes into it and while the acting was weak, I thought, OK, give the story itself a try, it has potential and maybe the acting gets better over time. The next 15 minutes set up more of the story and I'm thinking, can't wait to see the disasters!

Boy, was I in for a wait...the next 40 minutes are very slow moving (I don't want to spoil it but a kinder person would put you out of your misery before you get to this part). Imagine a slow funeral march, or how slow one walks when you've been shopping all day or running after the kids at an amusement park, and you'll likely equate those 40 minutes to the same thing. OH! Watching a snail cross a football field works too.

Yes, like all disaster movies, time is always of the essense and things move quickly (or should). I think the director forgot that part in the story line. Nothing is rushed.

Last 18 minutes: There's the meteor strike (that's not spoiling anything since it is about meteors striking), scenes from nature, and a few populated areas with some very bad effects edited over them. Nothing gets destroyed, no one is running for cover or in a panic, even with massive fireballs flying low above them. Finally, there's a bit of nerd talk that really doesn't matter.

In short, let me save you time you could better use perhaps cleaning the crud between your toes, taking the trash out, or watching a spider spin its web. You would likely have more fun counting all the letters in the dictionary.

Anyone proud of this movie, would have to be related to the 10 year old who put it together. There is no real concept of impending doom, nor a rush to stop it. The person also had limited area to work with, so perhaps in their back yard or at camp is where most of the real footage was shot. Any and all disaster shots seemed to have been taken from the internet or some travel videos. My bet is on travel videos based on one of the scenic locations. From there, they used their limited CGI skills and you then have sonny's amazing movie.
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