Everybody Loves Raymond: Party Dress (2004)
Season 8, Episode 15
Awful Episode
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea what the point of this episode was. Ally is invited to Molly's birthday party and all of the girls are supposed to go to some expensive store and buy identical dresses in different colors. Right off the bat this is ridiculous; they're not bridesmaids, Molly isn't getting married. So Ray decides it's ridiculous to spend $250 on a dress to wear once to a birthday party, which does make sense. He tells Peggy (Molly's Mom) and another Father how he feels, and they leave the store. Of course, Ally is upset, they all talk about it, yada, yada, yada, and Ally says she isn't going to the party. Lo and behold, Ray went ahead and bought the dress, which was okay, I guess, and Ally goes to the party. She's the only one wearing the dress, because apparently the father he spoke to in the store (unless there were other parents there, I don't recall) called other parents and got them all to not buy the dresses. So now Ally is humiliated because she bought the dress. Why didn't someone call Ray or Debra to let them know? Why didn't the store clerk mention that no one else bought the dresses? Doesn't Ally talk to her friends? Yet not one of them mentioned they weren't buying the dresses? Just seems weird, and what was the point of this story? All I got from it was whether you stand up for your beliefs or go along with the crowd, either way, you'll be humiliated. You can't win. I guess I'm missing something somewhere.
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