So this is difficult for me to review as a documentary
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Normally, with a documentary you try to review the actual film more than the subject matter (which I understand is counterintuitive) even though with a documentary the subject is essentially 90 percent of the film - but in this case I can't get past the subject which is of course "Kai" and maybe moreso, the people who chose to interact with him - He's branded a hero for acting quickly, and rather impulsively but nonetheless effectively - now bear in mind that in the cold opening we learn that he goes from being lauded as a hero to the polar opposite and this is the point of the documentary. But as I watch I quickly become disgusted by two things, the first being how all these people with zero knowledge or experience of Kai, attempt to glom onto him for, essentially, financial gain - comments are made willy nilly about how he can be rich and famous or how everyone wants to be famous but this kids got 'it' and this one newscaster begins to lead the charge to, allegedly, aid Kai navigate these waters - as his abnormal psychometry begins to become apparent however, they quickly start to attempt to distance themselves from him - and the whole time I'm thinking to myself 'is anyone going to even attempt to help him, or get to know him or try and learn about his background and upbringing - does anyone care any further than how his viral fame can help them?? " it's horrifying! From Kimmel personally handing him 500 dollars no questions asked to people implying that his claims about his childhood are too far fetched to be true - why are we watching a young man, slip between the cracks in real time? In plain sight? In broad daylight? Why?? I'm actually dumbstruck by how humans behave in this film - from trying to D ride off of him to disavowing and discarding him - never to once offer him to see a Dr or any wellness.. Ugh.. Sorry I can't go on -
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