Not what I was expecting. At all.
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I put this on expecting your run-of-the-mill Netflix documentary about a crazed killer who hitched lifts and killed the good Samaritans who picked him up. What I found instead was a bizarre story of new-found instant celebrity, of the media building up someone who didn't go looking for fame, wasn't ready when fame found him and couldn't cope.

Would Kai have ended up where he did if he'd never been in the spotlight? That's something we'll never know but as the program wears on, one gets the feeling that this is a guy who had been through a lot in his life, who had known instability of various kinds (both personal and situational), and who couldn't cope with the way his life went. How this manifested, no-one could have foreseen.

THWH is unlike any story you or I have ever heard and is at various times funny, sad and shocking. It's a well made doc that fully deserves an hour or so of your time.
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