Wednesday: A Murder of Woes (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
E1-7 9/10, E8 2/10
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why oh why. You did so well with the first seven episodes, setting up character arcs, and back stories, and overall plot, and then you just threw that all in the bin, and hired the LOTR ROP writing team for the last episode. This made no sense. Wednesday all of a sudden acts like a rash idiot, Weems walks into a perfect trap for the 'villain' and then has no backup, no plan. It was idiotic, dies like a moron. You then drag Crackstone, this villain from the past, that owned the land and could have set up a great master villain, only for him to die within minutes. Also he has magic..... how, why, he hated the outcasts. Wednesday 'dies' only to be just magicked back to life. She then takes an arrow for Xavier, why is she Captain America. Tylers dad, did he shoot him, not sure, and did he know, why was zero time spent on this. This all made zero sense. The show is great and well worth the watch, but they really tried to GOT the ending of this one. Season 2 better learn the lessons.
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