Review of Beach Ball

Beach Ball (1965)
A Fairly Standard "Beach Party" Movie
13 January 2023
This film essentially begins with a college dropout by the name of "Dick Martin" (Edd Byrnes) receiving a telegram telling him that, unless he pays for some musical instruments he rented for his struggling rock-and-roll band, they will be confiscated within a day or two. Needless to say, this news completely devastates him as neither he nor the other members of the band can scrounge up $1000 in so short a period of time. That being said, when their pleas for more time fall on deaf ears, Dick decides to go to the local college finance committee treasurer named "Susan" (Chris Noel) and plead for a grant under the false pretense of needing it for tuition. Quite surprisingly, after listening to his story, she agrees to his request. However, when she discovers the truth of the matter a few hours later, she immediately changes her mind. Not long afterward, however, she reconsiders and--with the help of the other three female members of the committee--decides to infiltrate his circle of friends to see if they can somehow convince them to return to college. In the meantime, Dick and his band have come up with several different plans to get the money--but what they don't count on is the of the music store owner who demands his merchandise immediately. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an okay "Beach Party" movie which basically followed the standard formula for films of this type during this particular period of time. Naturally, it also featured several attractive actresses with Mikki Jamison (as "Augusta"), Anna Lavelle ("Polly") and the aforementioned Chris Noel standing out the most, in my opinion. Be that as it may, while this may not be the best movie of its type, I enjoyed it for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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