Dave Chappelle: 8:46 (2020 TV Special)
Predatory policing, perjury and Qualified immunity 101
14 January 2023
Better than The Closer. This documentary should be mandatory in elementary history classes, alongside the whitewashed, sanitized, government approved version of MLKs "I Have a Dream" speech which intentionally diverts away from MLKs overarching message of police brutality, and judicial malfeasance with malice and hubris.

Dave Chappelle is a master orator and the definition of truth, honesty and levity. Key points he left out: Without video/audio evidence, perjury and withholding exculpatory evidence are the pillars of our predatory police and persecutors in the U. S., as is falsely accusing, over-charging and equating every non-uniformed criminal to the worst the worst of the worst. Wanting the public to believe the extremities among us are the norms, their felonious deeds are the extremities. White girl tears and theatrics is all the proof needed to convict/kidnap/torture an innocent man by putting him in a cell with real killers for the rest of his life, while Always extending "Professional Courtesy" and the Presumption of Innocence to serial killers like Officer DeAngelo. One would think that after 50yrs of letting Officer DeAngelo live a long happy life that submission of DNA would be mandatory for law enforcement, but Police Unions and DOJ still say no because embarrassing and discrediting themselves is far worse than solving cold cases and actual justice. #InnocenceProject

"Those Without the Captial, Get the Punishment" In general, draconian sentences and capital punishment are reserved for non-uniformed males without Qualified immunity, who can't afford a super lawyer, aren't friends or "family" of the police or their courts and aren't female.

Police turning off their body cams, disabling recording devices in their squad cars, hiding/withholding video/audio that incriminates and embarrasses them is a part of their culture.

Officer Chris Dorner vs Officer Cariol Horne -both fired for complaining or stopping a fellow officer from assaulting or killing someone who is already down, cuffed and not resisting. How they responded to their wrongful terminations is intriguing.
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