This rollicking joyride is crafted to demonstrate that . . .
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . Utah is the funniest place on Earth. THE LIFE OF JIMMY DOUGH LAND depicts the title character attempting to milk a bull--yuk, yuk! JIMMY also reveals Marion Mitchell "Duke-the-Family-Mutt" Morrison as the sort of dude who will slap a bun in the oven before realizing that he lacks a pat of butter to go with it. When push comes to shove, the Son of Zorro gets knocked out in the Fifth Round, which proves his true grit lasts four rounds longer than Duke's. JIMMY's ring fall just goes to show that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere--EXCEPT in the ludicrous environs of Utah. In the aforementioned backwater of buffoons, people try to cure polio with holy water, rather than using Science to work on a vaccine. So if you're in the market for gut-busting mirth, or at least a few good chuckles, why not spend a couple of hours with JIMMY?
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