16 January 2023
Jon and Lucy have this strange gimmick through various shows that they are unhappy and dislike each other even though as time passes they've had a child and are.. still together, whilst early it was amusing now it's a bit redundant.

They did a new years show that was one of the worst things I've ever seen on tv, to say a real married couple have no chemistry is sad but on screen they just don't click. Lucy especially is not good at all, the pretending to be stupid stuff is overplayed and insulting and although she can write well I think she's definitely better off screen.

Jon is another who got lucky with 8/10 cats, as really he's extremely boring, he's another show heightened these annoying traits of his personality to 11 and acts like a totally useless person despite obviously being intelligent and capable.

The over exaggerated language and negativity and the forced pretend disdain they have just doesn't work for anyone older than 16, it's tired, cliched and stale. After a while when you've had a kid and are still doing tv shows together, although we know it's a gimmick, it's just needlessly pointless.
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