Amazing start to a possibly great adaptation
17 January 2023
I was thrown into the world of the last of us ten years ago when the game was released on the PS3 console. The game was one of the best experiences i ever had. As a gamer myself this game is easily in my top 10 video games of all time. It was so well written, with great characters and production values that exceeded any game at that time. I have beaten the game multiple times by now, including my favorite gaming difficulty ever Grounded Mode. So naturally i have high expectations from the live action adaptation that will be handled by HBO (Thank god it isn't Netflix or Amazon).

It's understandable some slight changes had to be made, specifically in some combat/stealth/gameplay segments that can't be translated well into live action. As well as the spore change for the show and the method of the infection spreading into people. I have to give it to HBO for the investing into high budget for the show and it shows 90% of the time (The only time i didn't like the CGI was the final shot of the episode of the buildings into the horizon). The cinematography is great, the music is great as it was in the game, the production values are overall amazing. All of us that we played the game we know how good it can, and will be. The pacing, the writing, the twists are gonna be great. And thanks to the involvement of Neil and the creator of Chernobyl we know they are gonna respect the source material.

The first season will tell the events of the first game and i am so excited for the things that we will see. I don't see a single negative point from the first episode of this adaptation. (And by the way i didn't have a problem at all with the Sarah change. Some people hate with no reason. That kid did a very good job for her role well done to her!) Highly recommend this series!
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