The Pact: Episode #2.5 (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
Revelations galore.
18 January 2023
Those close to Christine start asking questions, and putting the pieces together, she does all she can to bury the truth about Connor.

A very good episode, with so much going on, the major focus being the collapse of the family, having been a tight knit unit so far, they are beginning to break down, and that's surely that will result in the truth coming out.

So much happens here, several revelations come out, it's such a good episode, it's a tasty appetiser for what's hopefully a cracking final episode.

I wondered in the previous episode if Christine was a good guy doing a bad thing, or if she was a monster, after this one, I'm left with absolutely no doubts at all, she's a monster. Rakie Ayola once again is flawless. I thought Elizabeth Berrington was excellent as Kate, I knew she'd get a chance to show how good she really is.

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