Boring and pretentious
20 January 2023
A real artsy-fartsy movie. It's boring and unfunny, yet everyone associated with it clearly thinks it's hilarious and Oscar-worthy. It starts out with a long cringeworthy and uncomfortable series of naked auditions. Then parodies of those classic "Ring Around the Collar" and "Flick Your Bic" TV commercials are shoehorned between the "love" scenes in this overly dramatic script. The acting is terrible, worse than high school drama class caliber. Evidently this is the only feature the lead actress "Starr" ever appeared in, so she's a real one-hit-wonder. The John Leslie and Sharon Thorpe characters are in some kind of relationship so he, as director, gets upset when she performs in her scenes with strangers. So they have a "deep" conversation afterward, hug it out, then hop in their VW bug and drive aimlessly down country roads while depressing 70's light rock play. That's essentially the whole movie. Lather, rinse, repeat. Yawn. The handful of scenes are mostly boring and seem oddly truncated. The only thing of interest is the building where they shot the exteriors of the cast walking up and down the sidewalk throughout the movie is now a UPS sorting center. It's located at the intersection of San Bruno and 17th Street in San Francisco and still looks exactly the same!
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