Emo-tru crime...
20 January 2023
Wow. The overused emo-music is just horrific and sinks this show incredibly.

Add the poor narration, that seems to be trying so desperately to get viewers to care, and it's even worse.

The pacing of this series is just slooooow. The cases are fine and could be compelling, but they are presented in such a slow, anti-compelling manner that I find myself constantly losing interest. Then throw in the interruptions of the BAD emo-music and it's merely a struggle to watch.

If anything, it's perfect "bedtime" watching because it'll put you to sleep.

This series appears to be produced and directed by amateurs that have simply watched a lot of true crime and THINK they can do it as well -- forgetting they are amateurs. The inexperience is glaring here.

It is unfortunate that victims will be lost in this mess of poorly directed and produced episodes.
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