Review of Boys

Boys (2022– )
Hjelmsø's Viktor and Byder's Robin work phenomenal together
20 January 2023
Viktor Hjelmsø delivers a standout performance in his first acting role in BOYS as the character of Nikolaj. He masterfully portrays the complexity and depth of the character, a charismatic, extraverted and deeply damaged leader of the lodge, who carries a terrible secret. His portrayal of Nikolaj is both powerful and nuanced, capturing the character's struggles and emotions with great sensitivity and authenticity. He is able to convey the character's inner turmoil and the weight of his secret with a subtlety that makes his performance all the more impactful.

Sylvester Byder, on the other hand, delivers a powerful and nuanced performance in the role of Robin in the series Drenge (Boys). With more acting experience compared to the rest of the cast, Byder brings a level of depth and authenticity to the character that is truly impressive. He portrays Robin as a charismatic and driven individual who is determined to make the most of his time in the choir, but also struggles with personal demons and self-destructive tendencies. Byder's portrayal of Robin is both relatable and authentic, capturing the character's struggles and emotions with great sensitivity and nuance. He also has a great chemistry with the other characters, especially with Nikolaj, making their interactions on screen electric and captivating to watch.

Both Robin and Nikolaj are expertly acted, and their performances add depth and nuance to the series. Their chemistry together on screen is electric and make them a great duo to watch. Their story arcs are both compelling and relatable, making them stand-out characters in the series. Big fan of their work together here!
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