He did make it right...
21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second-best episode of my favorite TV show after "The Scandal of Altruism" (4x06). The main action happens at the military base, but we must still mention the iconic Hendrix dance and the fact that Delphine does everything to help Cosima and her sisters when the latter does not seem to notice. The exchange between Felix and Rachel always gives me goosebumps since it's so rare that we see Felix angry and Rachel helpless. Also interesting is that Rachel seems to know the code, as if Ethan was forcing her to work with his sisters even after his death. Finally, the death of Paul surprises, saddens and above all makes us realize that he was a character we loved even if sometimes we forget that. Sarah's hallucinations, which could have been corny but aren't, along with Yuile's soundtrack and crescendo of action make for the perfect ending. Seeing Beth again reminds us that even if their lives are completely different, all the clones are sisters whose destinies are intertwined. The « It was never Beth I loved » is a heartbreaking declaration of love that shows Paul was one of the good guys just not a monitor attributed to the right clone.
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