Use Me (2019)
Man exploits women, sells sex tape without consent, because he goes on white saviour campaign violating ethics and privacy of all in vile misrepresentation of BDSM world
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers

This film follows a man who repeatedly crosses the line of film and journalistic ethics because he goes on a 'white man knows best' crusade that misrepresents bdsm, kink, and financial domination.

Julian decides to film a documentary on an American 'humilatrix' Caera and ends up filming them having sex.

He then decides that he has the right to question her ethics, violating her and her client's privacy before seeing Caera 'kidnapped'. He for some reason cops a ransom of $45k by Carra's kidnappers.

To make the money to 'rescue' her, he sells off her sex tape for 'her own good'. Not only is this a crime, but he tells her that he was doing this to protect her because he apparently knows what is best for her.

In the end, it's been a long con to teach him a lesson about his incessant filming and documenting his life.

This need to record everything despite his subjects not giving him consent leads him to exploit the people around him, lying about if he is filming or not, and several other incredibly murky filmmaking practices that aren't resolved or explained later to help the audience understand the serious lines crossed by Shaw's character.

This bizarre film is a mess from start to finish about a man who inserts himself into a woman's life and decides he knows best. He is a sexist pig who has no limits, and what is more concerning there seems to be no breakdown by (director) Shaw detailing the serious rules his character violated throughout the course of the film.

Honestly, this quite a dangerous film that misrepresents the sex industry, journalistic integrity, respect for women, and privacy (unless it is that of the man who decides he is the white protagonist of course).

I find this disappointing as someone who has been a sex worker, a woman, and as someone in the media. It's illustrative of the inherent misogyny white men still believe they have over women who are making their own decisions about their own bodies.


Oh and the twist of the film? Predictable and was obvious a bloody mile off. Don't bother unless you want to just feel furious at a man repeatedly violating everyone around him in serious and harmful ways because he throws a mantrum about a private issue that had nothing to do with him in the first place.
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