What the fu...?
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What the Hell was this? This movie was so bad that I thought that it was a spoof on found footage Bigfoot movies. Michael Pare must be absolutely desperate for work to have agreed to be in this turd. This movie takes itself do serious that it's unintentionally hilarious.

The creature, the "Skunk Ape" kills people left and right, but the soldiers charged with tracking it down and containing it are repeatedly ordered not to kill it even as it is running amok killing everyone in sight. It is only AFTER the creature kills almost everyone in the "secret facility" that the commander (Michael Pare) issues the shoot to kill order.

The plot is irretrievably stupid, as is the dialogue. As viewers, we're supposed to suspend our disbelief, but this movie is so bad and so stupid that it sunders the elasticity of incredulity. This movie tries to come across like an episode of "The X Files" but it ends up looking like " The Keystone Kops". I want to find the people responsible for producing this dreck and kick the living crap out of them.
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